Construction of Bi2O3/Bi28O32(SO4)10 three-dimensional microsphere heterojunction and the photoelectrocatalysis performance
- 所属单位:
- 化学与化工学院
- 发表刊物:
- Applied Surface Science
- 第一作者:
- 毕强
- 论文类型:
- 期刊论文
- 是否译文:
- 否
- 发表时间:
- 2020-12-06
- 上一条:LuF3: Yb3+/Tm3+@Lu6O5F8: Yb3+/Tm3+@BiOI for efffcient degradation of pollutants under NIR light: Synergy of enhanced upconversion emission and efffcient FRET
- 下一条:Revealing the modification mechanism of La-doped Ti/SnO2 electrodes related to the microelectronic structure by first-principles calculations