Study on the evaluation principle of Xi’an urban rail transit network from the perspective of historic city conservation
Affiliation of Author(s):
Advanced Materials Research
Key Words:
中文关键字:真实性与完整性;评估原则;历史文化名城保护;文物影响评估;地铁线路;轨道交通线网,英文关键字:Authenticity and integrity;Authenticity and integr
At present, China has entered a rapid developed stage of urban rail transit. As of the end of 2010, China approved the urban rail transit construction in 28 cities, of which 75% of the city is a state-level historic city. In this article, the author researches the Xi’an cultural resources and the experiences of historic city conservation planning of Xi’an, analyzes the Xi’an urban rail transit planning, and expresses the opinion that the historic city should be attached importance to the heritage impact assessment studies of urban rail transit network. Final the author summaries the evaluation principle of Xi’an urban rail transport planning from the perspective of historic city conservation, and hopes that all these experiences can be used by other historic city.