Characterizing the two-phase flow effect in gas channel of proton exchange membrane fuel cell with dimensionless number
Release time:2025-02-27
- Impact Factor:
- 8.1
- DOI number:
- 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.09.288
- Journal:
- International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
- First Author:
- Yujie Ding,Liangfei Xu,Weibo Zheng,Zunyan Hu,Yangbin Shao,Jianqiu Li,Minggao Ouyang
- Indexed by:
- Journal paper
- Discipline:
- Engineering
- First-Level Discipline:
- Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
- Document Type:
- J
- Translation or Not:
- no
- Date of Publication:
- 2023-01-01
- Included Journals: