Characterization of microbial communities in a fluidized-pellet-bed bioreactor for wastewater treatment
- 所属单位:
- 环境与市政工程学院
- 发表刊物:
- Desalination
- 关键字:
- 中文关键字:流化床反应器,英文关键字:Fluidized-pellet-bed (FPB) bioreactor; 16 S riboso
- 摘要:
- In order to make clear the microbiological characteristics of the fiuidized-pellet-bed bioreactor (FPB) which is a newly developed wastewater treatment device to perform coagulationm particle pelletization, biological degradation and solid-liquid separation in a single unit, the method of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was applied in this study paying attention to the microbial diversity of the granular sludge. Spread plate method was also used for enumeration of aerobic bacterian in unit weight of granular sludge. As a result, slight difference was found between the total aerobic bacteria at the bottom, middle, and top sections though the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration decreased from about 3.5mg/L at the bottom inlet to 0.23mg/L at the top of the FPB bioreactor. From the DGGE finger printing, 17 common species were identified from all these sections, and certain specific species were also identified from each section. The comparability of the microbial communities in the three sections was 83.1%, indicating a very stable structure of the microbial communities. The 16 s rRNA sequence analysis results revealed that the 18 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) obtained all belong to Eubacteria. Among them 11 are Proteobacteria, 3 are Actinobacteria, 2 are low G+C gram-positive bacteria and the remaining 2 belong to other bacteria branches. The dominant microbial communities are typical aerobes or facultative anaerobes commonly encountered in conventional activated sludge.
- 备注:
- 王晓昌
- 第一作者:
- 袁宏林,王晓昌,刘永军
- 论文类型:
- 期刊论文
- 卷号:
- 卷:249
- 期号:
- 期:
- 页面范围:
- 页:445-452
- 是否译文:
- 否
- 发表时间:
- 2010-12-01