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个人简介: 博士,教授,研究方向为资源高效利用、浮选药剂和选矿智能化等。主持国家自然科学基金、陕西省工业攻关和自然科学基础研究计划、中国博士科学基金、陕西省教育厅产业化和西安市科技转化等项目13项,参与横纵项目40余项;发表学术论文60余篇,其中 SCI 收录20 篇;获准授权专利21项,其中发明专利17项;获陕西...



A Novel Method for Improving Low-Temperature Flotation Performance of Nonpolar Oil in the Molybdenite Flotation

发布时间:2024-08-09  点击次数:



关键字:low-temperature flotation; nonpolar oil; magnetizing treatment; molybdenite

摘要:Nonpolar hydrocarbon oil (NHO) is one of the most extensively used collectors in the flotation of molybdenite due to its excellent selectivity. However, NHO has low sensibility at pulp temperature. At low temperatures (<283 K), although more kerosene is used, the recovery of molybdenite flotation is still lower than at room temperature. In this study, magnetizing treatment, which is an efficient, low-cost, innovative, and environmentally friendly emulsification method, was used to improve the flotation performance of NHO in low-temperature molybdenite flotation. The test results showed that, compared with unmagnetized kerosene (UMK), the optimum dosage of magnetized kerosene (MK) could be reduced by 11% at 298 K. At the same dosage of kerosene, the flotation recovery of MK was 3% higher than UMK at 278 K. The surface tension measurement results showed that the surface tension of MK rose periodically as the magnetic field intensity increased, and there was a maximum surface tension within each period. Further, the magnetic field intensity had the maximum flotation recovery of molybdenite at the maximum surface tension of MK. Combined with the analysis based on the Girifalco-Good theory and the static drop volume method of interfacial tension, the interfacial tension of kerosene-water was shown to decrease with the increase of the surface tension of kerosene. This finding indicates that the dispersibility of kerosene in pulp could be improved by reducing the size of oil droplets, thereby improving the molybdenite flotation recovery of kerosene at low-temperature pulp. It is helpful to improve the flotation recovery of molybdenite using NHO as a collector for low-temperature pulp (<283 K).








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