Morphotropic phase boundary, segregation effect and crystal growth in the NBT-KBT system
- 所属单位:
- 化学与化工学院
- 发表刊物:
- J Cryst Growth
- 关键字:
- 中文关键字:分凝,熔体生长,铋化合物,钙钛矿,压电材料,英文关键字:A1. Segregation; A2. Growth from melt; B1. Bismuth
- 摘要:
- Lead-free piezoelectric materials of sodium-potassium bismuth titanate, (1-x)NaBi(TiO3)2-xKBi(TiO3)2, ceramics and single crystals were prepared and their crystallographic and dielectric properties were measured. Single crystals with dimensions of several centimeters were grown by using the melt growth technique. The morphotropic phase boundary between rhombohedral and tetragonal symmetry determined by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectra was found at x = 0.2. No coexistence of rhombohedral/ tetragonal phases was found in the NKBT system. Compositions analyses showed that a severe phase segregation occured during the crystallization of the solid solution. From the segregation point, a homogeneous NKBT crystal near the MPB composition is difficult to grow.
- 备注:
- 谢会东
- 合写作者:
- JinL,ShenDZ,WangXQ,ShenGQ
- 第一作者:
- 谢会东
- 论文类型:
- 期刊论文
- 卷号:
- 卷:311
- 期号:
- 期:14
- 页面范围:
- 页:3626-3630
- 是否译文:
- 否
- 发表时间:
- 2009-07-01