Characteristics of a landscape water with high salinity in a coastal cityof China and measures for eutrophication control
Release time:2024-08-09
- Affiliation of Author(s):
- 环境与市政工程学院
- Journal:
- Ecological Indicators
- Key Words:
- 中文关键字:高盐;景观水;营养水平;富营养化控制,英文关键字:High salinity;Landscape water;Trophic level;Eutrop
- Abstract:
- tEutrophication of landscape waters is drawing public concerns in China but few studies have been con-ducted on the problem associated with high water salinity as what happens at Sino-Singapore TianjinEco-city in Tianjin, a coastal metropolis of northern China. In order to find ways for eutrophication con-trol, a comparative study was conducted on three landscape water bodies, namely Qingjing Lake, JiyunRiver and Jiyun River Oxbow, which are under varied conditions of salinity, organic, and nutrients intru-sion. The spatial and temporal variations of water quality were revealed by water sampling and analyses,and correlative relationships were obtained between water salinity and other parameters related toeutrophication. By utilizing a trophic level index (TLI), the eutrophication status of the three landscapewater bodies in different seasons could further be evaluated. As a result, water temperature, as expected,showed the strongest effect on eutrophication because higher TLI together with higher Chl-a concentra-tions tended to occur in later spring and summer seasons, while nutrient concentration, especially TP,was also the determinative factor to the eutrophication status. Of the three water bodies, the Jiyun RiverOxbow showed a salinity as high as 20 g/L or more in contrast with the other two water bodies withsalinity as 4–5 g/L. Although its TP concentration was usually very low (about 0.1 mg/L), it was under amoderate eutrophication status almost in all seasons, indicating that high salinity tends to induce algagrowth. Dilution of saline inflow and nutrients reduction could thus be proposed as the main measuresfor eutrophication control of landscape waters in the study area.
- Note:
- 熊家晴
- Co-author:
- XiaochangC.Wang,QingqingZhang,RanDuan,NanW
- First Author:
- xiongjiaqing
- Indexed by:
- Journal paper
- Volume:
- 卷:ECOIND-2641
- Issue:
- 期:
- Page Number:
- 页:
- Translation or Not:
- no
- Date of Publication:
- 2015-11-01
- Pre One:深圳鹅颈水流域SWMM模型参数敏感性分析及率定研究
- Next One:表流-水平流复合人工湿地对高污染河水的净化