- Personal Information
- Name (Pinyin): xiongjiaqing
- School/Department: 环境与市政工程学院
- Education Level: With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Contact Information: 邮箱 : xiongjiaqing@xauat.edu.cn
- Degree: Doctoral degree
- Professional Title: Professor
- Status: Employed
- Academic Titles: 陕西省海绵城市专家委员会副主任委员
- Other Post: 陕西省城镇供排水专家委员会委员
- Alma Mater: 西安建筑科技大学
Release time:2024-08-09
- Major:
- Municipal Engineering
- Research Focus:
- 建筑给排水与节水技术
- Current Status:
- Graduated
- Graduation Thesis Title:
- 氯化物型盐湖卤水兑卤生产光卤石工艺研究
- Date of Registration:
- 2018-09-06
- E-Mail:
- 1763354615@qq.com