主讲本科生的"物理化学A”、"物理化学B”及研究生的“功能材料化学”课程。完成校级《材料化学》网络课程建设项目,主编《物理化学实验》教材1部,指导学生完成“国家大学生创新创业”及SSRT项目等多项。   主持陕西省自然科学基础基金项目2项,主持完成厅局项目3项,参加国家自然科学基金及省自然科学基金4项。发表学术论文40余篇,获准专利4项。获陕西省科技进步三等级1项;指导学生获校及陕西省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛铜奖及银奖;2017年获校级“优秀党务工作者”荣誉;2017学年获校“优秀主讲教师奖”荣誉;2018年获校级“植物医生”优秀教师奖1项。
Yang Qin
Associate professor
Research Focus
Chemistry of new functional materials

My research interests are focused on the development of the next generation of biomimetic multifunctional hydrogel actuators. I am particularly interested in the creation of conductive hydrogels for use in biomedical applications and flexible wearable electronics, as well as the development of hydrogel materials for use in supercapacitors and batteries. Additionally, I am passionate about the potential of hydrogels for the detection and treatment of environmental contaminants.