- Personal Information
- Name (Pinyin): zhaoxiaojun
- E-Mail: 7ca8eab1770c1eb38d2d74a6c3c3af5e1093b45ae9fd84983e64934bd06c87a9d25bfad4cac300b22c81822223241b281e6f7a5bae9f025d4f41a8d44c8f6af3dd64a4e9d8a933e887e9c9db491076ec16d4287c72b4d7169c2152649293cd33ef0cbdc9c322551ec0c7a0bc7de54b3c3dfdcc62a97f46207bcafaa7f7147b81
- School/Department: 冶金工程学院
- Education Level: PhD student
- Degree: Doctoral degree
- Professional Title: Associate Professor
- Status: Employed
- Academic Titles: 副教授
- Other Post: 硕士生导师
- Alma Mater: 西北大学
Release time:2024-08-09
- Affilication of Author(s):
- 冶金工程学院
- Scope of patent:
- 国内
- Type of Patent:
- 发明专利
- State of Patent:
- 专利申请
- Service Invention or Not:
- yes
- Application Date:
- 2022-08-17
- First Author:
- zhaoxiaojun