
Scientific Research
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- 郑佳乐,,leizhen.Characteristics and fouling behaviors of soluble microbial products and sub-visible particles in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating sewage at room temperature.[J]:Journal of Water Process Engineering,2024,67:106278
- leizhen,,chenrong.Synergic treatment of domestic wastewater and food waste in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor demo plant: Process performance, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions.[J]:Water Research,2024,266:122371
- 杨晓欢,,leizhen.A deeper investigation of membrane fouling in anaerobic membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment: Influencing factors and fouling layer characteristics:Journal of Environmental Management,2024,371:123223
- leizhen,.Sludge granulation in PN/A enhances nitrogen removal from mainstream anaerobically pretreated wastewater:Science of The Total Environment,2023
- leizhen,.Biochar enhances the biotransformation of organic micropollutants (OMPs) in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating sewage:Water Research,2022
- chenrong , leizhen,杨舒茗,黄兴园,李雨,一种厌氧膜生物反应器耦合厌氧氨氧化系统及城市污水处理工艺
- chenrong , leizhen,黄兴园,李雨,杨舒茗,一种基于外加电场的厌氧膜生物反应器及膜污染控制方法
- chenrong , leizhen,王俊,杨舒茗,黄兴园,一种快速启动厌氧氨氧化耦合反硝化复合脱氮系统及方法
- chenrong , leizhen,文雯,一种污水厌氧膜生物处理系统与工艺
- chenrong,leizhen , 郑佳乐,罗鸿,一种生物质炭-厌氧膜生物处理系统与工艺