- Personal Information
- Name (Pinyin): lilixia
- School/Department: 机电工程学院
- Education Level: Postgraduate (Doctoral)
- Contact Information: 邮箱 : jieli_18@163.com
- Degree: Doctoral degree
- Professional Title: Associate Professor
- Status: Employed
- Alma Mater: 西安交通大学
- jiemiaoxia,liuhaixia,同志学,lilixia,,何伟涛.Q-Factor Enhancement of Coupling Bragg and Local Resonance Band Gaps in Single-Phase Phononic Crystals for TPOS MEMS Resonator:Micromachines,2022,13/8/1-13
- caianjiang,lilixia,.Low-frequency band gap mechanism of torsional vibration of lightweight elastic metamaterial shafts:European Physical Journal Applied Physics,2016,卷:75(期:):页:10501
- Liling,liuhaixia,同志学,lilixia,,何伟涛,贾淇,李鹏国.Ultralow-frequency broadband characteristics of stepwise radial metamaterials:Journal of Applied Physics,2022,132/14/1-16
- caianjiang,lilixia,.Control of the low-frequency vibrations of elastic metamaterial shafts with discretized arc-rubber layers:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics,2016,卷:(期:55):页:067301
- lilixia , 贾琪,一种具有超低频减振特性的局域共振弹性超材料板类结构
- 同志学,lilixia , 柴晨阳,张会强,一种可提高SAW谐振器性能的可调缺失型拓扑绝缘体结构
- jiemiaoxia,caianjiang,lilixia,一种具有低频减振特性的离散化橡胶层的声子晶体轴
- 同志学,jiemiaoxia,lilixia , 李鹏国,一种径向周期环状局域共振声子晶体圆盘