Lichen Shi
- Personal Information
- Name (English): Lichen Shi
- Name (Pinyin): shilichen
- School/Department: 机电工程学院
- Education Level: PhD student
- Business Address: 草堂校区机电楼
- Contact Information:
- Degree: Doctoral degree
- Professional Title: Professor
- Status: Employed
- Alma Mater: 西安建筑科技大学
Release time:2024-08-09
- Affiliation of Author(s):
- 机电工程学院
- Journal:
- 振动与冲击
- Key Words:
- 中文关键字:故障诊断; 判别依据; 振动机械; 滚动轴承; 两点点蚀;,英文关键字:fault diagnosis; discrimination criterion; vibrati
- Abstract:
- 针对振动机械滚动轴承两点点蚀故障判别,建立基于Hertz接触理论的振动机械滚动轴承内、外环点蚀故障振动模型,提出点蚀故障判别依据,对理论模型进行仿真,在振动筛上进行试验研究。理论分析与试验分析结果一致表明,振动机械与旋转机械滚动轴承两点点蚀故障特征频谱区别明显。振动机械滚动轴承外环点蚀故障时振幅调制现象明显,而理想的旋转机械外环点蚀无振幅调制现象;内环点蚀故障时有轻微振幅调制现象,而理想的旋转机械内环点蚀存在明显振幅调制现象。
- Note:
- 郭宝良
- First Author:
- Lichen Shi,zhengjianxiao,段志善,guobaoliang
- Indexed by:
- Journal paper
- Volume:
- 卷:32
- Issue:
- 期:7
- Page Number:
- 页:58-63
- Translation or Not:
- no
- Date of Publication:
- 2013-04-01