Scientific Research
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- dingyanqiong,xuyazhou,,魏克伦.基于新的改进Bouc-Wen模型的预制RC桥墩滞回模型研究:工程力学,2024
- dingyanqiong,xuyazhou,,孟莹.近场地震作用下风力发电塔结构振动台试验研究:土木工程学报,2024
- zhanghui,dingyanqiong,xuyazhou,,段静.Multi-hazard stochastic response analysis and reliability evaluation of a 5 MW monopile offshore wind turbine based on extended platform FAST-S:Engineering Structures,2024
- xuyazhou,.Buckling Reliability Evaluation of a Clamped Beam with Random Imperfections subjected to Axial Impact Using Probability Density Evolution Method:Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines,2016,卷:44(期:4):页:451-461
- xuyazhou,GuoliangBai,JianingZhu.Pseudo-dynamic test and numerical simulation of a large direct air-cooling structure:The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings,2015,卷:24(期:4):页:280–299
- xuyazhou , 曲培政,王志鹏,魏克伦,一种装配式双柱墩高架车站
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- xuyazhou , 于明阳,时文浩,任倩倩,一种圆截面筒体倾斜测量方法
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