- Personal Information
- Name (Pinyin): yanzengfeng
- School/Department: 建筑学院
- Administrative Position: 学报编辑部主任
- Education Level: With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Contact Information: xazfyan@126.com
- Degree: Doctoral degree
- Professional Title: Professor
- Status: Employed
- Academic Titles: 西安建筑科技大学建筑学院教授
- Alma Mater: 西安建筑科技大学
- yanzengfeng,姚珊珊,倪平安,雷馥铭.Machine learning-based multi-performance prediction and analysis of Earth-Air Heat Exchanger:Renewable Energy,2024,277
- yanzengfeng,秦国晋,倪平安,雷馥铭.Promoting solar energy utilization: Prediction, analysis and evaluation of solar radiation on building surfaces at city scale:ENERGY AND BUILDINGS,2024,319
- yanzengfeng,.Multi-factor dynamic correlation prediction and analysis of carbon peaking for building sector: A case study of Shaanxi province:SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY,2024,117
- yanzengfeng,张登超,.高校宿舍内廊的自然采光模拟与优化研究:中国建筑学会第十三届建筑物理学术大会论文集,2018
- yanzengfeng , 王江丽,尚瑞华,赵星,赵欢,刘晶,洞窟中机械通风系统的最小风量控制方法
- yanzengfeng , 张君杰,周宝发,张俊琦,撒俊沛,雷蕾,郭星,一种洞窟遗址通风系统
- mabinqi,尚建丽,yanzengfeng , 黄沛增,一种可自动调节室内湿度的调湿建筑材料
- yanzengfeng , 张君杰,郎嘉琛,王怡丹,李昊,姚珊珊,郝喜英,一种洞窟窟门结构