- 教师拼音名称: yuxuehui
- 电子邮箱: 20032a4511d517865a091cee87b77df7e10b1a5bde6fec7083ba06f695e8a167a6cce6c72ed9b3895fb7a1d0e904bf73266afce127896cd60f97d56f351bba9e34bc16146653dd97a6ae95fe1c9f9120a67dedb38a952a695cd01c72303e5bc2d12a03e66ad97be2ced2e25a3556dbe147cc9b4956576585ce267e71356791c7
- 所在单位: 理学院
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 性别: 男
- 学位: 博士学位
- 在职信息: 在职
- 于学会,.Dynamic Response of Gradient Aluminum Foam Sandwich Tubes under External Explosive Loads:Materials,2024
- 于学会,.Dynamic Response of Sandwich Tubes with Continuously Density-Graded Aluminum Foam Cores under Internal Explosion Load:Materials,2022
- 于学会,.极坐标下连续密度梯度多孔金属材料设计及其夹芯管的抗爆性能研究:固体力学学报,2024
- 于学会,.压裂泵滑动轴承流体动压润滑性能研究:润滑与密封,2023
- 于学会,.Design of continuously radial density-graded aluminum foam with unidirectional and bidirectional and study on blast resistance of sandwich tube:Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials,2024
- 于学会,.The effect of elastic stiffness on the shock wave propagation in sandwich structures: a theoretical analysis:Mechanics of Solids,2023
- 于学会,.Low-velocity impact of density-graded foam-filled square columns:International Journal of Crashworthiness,2020
- 于学会,.高速冲击下压裂液颗粒对压裂泵胶圈的冲蚀磨损:灌溉排水学报,2024
- 于学会,.Crushing and energy absorption of density-graded foam-filled square columns: experimental and theoretical investigations:Composite Structures,2018
- 于学会,.“V型”约束下泡沫铝夹芯圆管的准静态横向压缩性能研究:固体力学学报,2022