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- Professor
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (Pinyin):zhaojunxue
- School/Department:冶金工程学院
- Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
- Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
- Professional Title:Professor
- Status:Employed
- Academic Titles:三级教授及以上
- Other Post:硕士,博士生导师
- Alma Mater:北京科技大学
- Discipline:Metallurgical Engineering

- Email:
- Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
- zhaojunxue,赵俊学1,刘军利,李术元,张鑫,马成,邹冲1.兰炭与无烟煤在民用领域的燃烧特点对比研究:环境科学年会,2016,卷:(期:):页:
- zhaojunxue,葛蓓蕾,刘诗薇等.电渣重熔用后炉渣的综合利用,2015全国炉外精炼学术会议论文集:2015全国炉外精炼会议文集,2015,卷:(期:):页:
- shiruimeng,Li Xiaoming,zhaojunxue,.钢渣循环利用中相关问题的探索与思考:第二届冶炼渣综合利用技术交流暨适用技术装备推广会,2014,卷:(期:):页:
- zhaojunxue,YanmeiCHEN,xiaominglietal.Study on slag chemical composition change and its influence during ESR process,ICAS2010(proceeding of international conference on advanced steels .p., guilin, china, metallurgical industry press:proceeding of international conference on advanced steels 2010,2011,卷:(期:ISBN 978-7-5024-5423-4):页:220
- zhaojunxue,CHENYanmei.Study on slag chemical composition change and its influence during ESR process:ICAS2010论文集,2010,卷:(期:):页:
Research Projects
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