- Personal Information
- Name (Pinyin): zhengwukui
- School/Department: 材料科学与工程学院
- Education Level: With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Degree: Doctoral degree
- Professional Title: Associate Professor
- Status: Employed
- Academic Titles: 副教授
- Alma Mater: 图尔库大学
- Hui Li,zhengwukui,,孙金凤.核壳结构对石油污染土壤污染物分解转化的促进:材料科学与工艺,2024
- Hui Li,yangyuxuan,zhengwukui,.Influence of core-shell structure design on the preparation of oil-contaminated soil ceramsite and the pollutant decomposition effect:Process Safety and Environmental Protection,2024
- Hui Li,zhengwukui,,王飞,乔志刚.Preparing gypsum-based self-levelling energy storage mortar via fly ash cenospheres/paraffin used for floor radiant heating:Construction and Building Materials,2024
- Hui Li,zhengwukui,,王飞.Study on the encapsulation effect and mechanism of hollow ceramsite to phase change materials (PCMs):Journal of Building Engineering,2024
- Hui Li,zhengwukui , 王飞,杨雨玄,朱毅,一种烧结型无机储热陶粒及其制备方法
- zhengwukui , 马佳彤,一种高强度储热建材板
- yangyuxuan,Hui Li,zhengwukui , 张静洁,一种核壳结构陶粒作为混凝土粗骨料的施工方法
- Hui Li,zhengwukui , 王飞,朱毅,关于无机储热陶粒多层制备的方法及工艺