- Associate Professor
- Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
- Supervisor of Master's Candidates
- Name (English):Rui Ren
- Name (Pinyin):renrui
- School/Department:人事处/党委教师工作部/高层次人才办公室(院士工作办公室)
- Administrative Position:党委教师工作部部长,人事处处长、高层次人才办公室(院士工作办公室)主任
- Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
- Business Address:行政楼406室
- Contact Information:029-82202939
- Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
- Professional Title:Associate Professor
- Status:Employed
- Alma Mater:西安建筑科技大学
- Teacher College:交叉创新研究院
- Discipline:Interdisciplinary
Structural Engineering
Other Contact Information
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- Paper Publications
- Rui Ren,.型钢混凝土构件抗扭在国内外研究新进展:烟台大学学报,2010,卷:第二十三卷(期:):页:439
- xuejianyang,Rui Ren,陈宗平,米泽龙.Experimental Study on Behavior of Channel Steel Reinforced Concrete Beam under Pure Torsion:Advances in Civil Engineering and Architecture Innovation,2011,卷:Part 4(期:):页:2094-2097
- Rui Ren,.Concrete-steel bond-slip behavior of recycled concrete: Experimental investigation:Steel and Composite Structures,2021
- yanwen,wuqian,Rui Ren,.对当前高校研究生党建工作的几点思考:教育前沿,2009,卷:(期:23):页:88
- Rui Ren,.结构设计竞赛对促进大学学风建设作用的调查研究:烟台大学学报,2010,卷:第23卷(期:):页:423
- Rui Ren,.Cyclic bond property of steel reinforced recycled concrete (SRRC) composite structure:Construction and Building Materials,2020
- xuejianyang,Rui Ren,.浅谈青年教师如何上好混凝土结构课程:建筑结构增刊,2008,卷:第三十八卷(期:):页:48
- Rui Ren,.Mechanical behavior of crumb rubber concrete under axial compression:Advances in Concrete Construction,2020